PM tells of attempt to save guide's life - Photos

The Press | Friday, 15 August 2008
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GOTTLIEB BRAUN-ELWERT: The former nuclear physicist had been a professional mountain guide for more than 30 years

UNITED: The Braun-Elwert family and Prime Minister Helen Clark arrive to talk to the media outside the Church of the Good Shepard in Lake Tekapo.

WIDOW: Anne Braun-Elwert talks to the media outside the Church of the Good Shepard in Lake Tekapo.

GUIDING HAND: Braun-Elwert was the mountain guide for Prime Minister Helen Clark - he took this photo of her in 2004.

HAPPIER TIMES: MPs Damien O'Connor and David Parker with Helen Clark and Peter Davis on the summit of Hochstetter Dome at the head of the Tasman Glacier in this photo taken by guide Gottlieb Braun-Elwert on the trip in September 2005.


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