Message from Mark Solomon (Ngai Tahu) on behalf of Aoraki Bound students 2007-2008

Presented by Peter Kara (former Linwood High School Outdoor Pursuits student)


Tihei mauri mate!

Kua hika atu rā te tōtar haemata te waotapu-nui-aTane
The great Tōtara has fallen in the mighty forest of Tane

Kua kū katoa mai kā manu it e kaherehere hei taki mōna
The bird song is silenced in mourning of his passing

Kua araitia a Aoraki mauka e te kapua o te pouri
Mt Aoraki is hidden behind clouds of darkness

Mariki noa ōna roimata hauaitu it e kau kino o maumahara
Where frozen tears are shed in the pain of memory

Aoraki mauka Aoraki takata
Aoraki mountain, Aoraki man

Hoki atu rā tō wairua kit e akitū o Aoraki
Let your spirit return to the highest peak of Aoraki

Kit e otika o te taktak kit e huika o te kahraki, ka oti atu ko koe
To the threshold of the spirit world, the meeting place of the heavens, where you shall rest in peace


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