Waterfall Ice Climbing
Photo Gallery
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Ailsa Stream Map
Access to our ice climbing venue in the Liebig Range
Ailsa Stream Ice Crag
Left: 'Main Wall', middle: gullies (incl. 'Tigger'), right: 'Workout Wall'
Climbing the lower flow on 'Main Wall'
Steep ice
Climbing the upper waterfall on 'Main Wall' (Photo: G. Lang)
Ice and mixed gullies
Climbing 'Tigger' at Ailsa Stream (Photo: G. Lang)
Lots of route options
Climbing 'Birthday Cake' on 'Workout Wall'
Swinging tools
Climbing 'Birthday Cake' on 'Workout Wall'
Ice cave
Exploring behind the frozen waterfall on 'Main Wall' (Photo: G. Lang)