Books & Technical Manuals
Alpine Guides Technical Manual 2011
Price: NZ$35
Alpine Guides Technical Manual is a distillation of state of the art mountaineering practice. Topics are presented in a stripped-down manner, to emphasise key techniques often difficult to grasp and learn quickly. It is an excellent learning resource, and a handy reference for experienced alpinists.
Avalanche Awareness in the New Zealand Backcountry, 2nd edition 2013
Price: NZ$35
Avalanche Awareness in the New Zealand Backcountry is the first avalanche handbook created specifically for New Zealand's unique weather and snowpack conditions.
Author: Penny Goddard
Everyone who visits New Zealand's mountains needs to have an understanding of avalanches and the threat they pose. This book provides simple strategies for identifying avalanche terrain and avalanche conditions, explains how to make wise decisions and teaches rescue techniques. Well illustrated with photos, diagrams, and a New Zealand regional guide, this book is an essential companion for climbers, snowboarders, skiers, trampers and hunters.